quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2008

IKEA - Furniture Swap!!!

Amsterdam's Ikea store is to run a "husselmarkt" - where people can swap their furniture.
Swapping clothing, books, music and even homes has become more and more popular around the world, with groups meeting for swaps offline and online.

Now, according to trend-spotting website springwise.com, the well-known furniture chain Ikea is organising a furniture swap at its Amsterdam store: a "husselmarkt". Roughly translated, husselen means to shuffle or move around.

Springwise says, the event is part of a marketing campaign that encourages customers to develop their creativity and to think like designers, which includes experimenting by rearranging furniture they already have. To help people redesign their living spaces, Ikea offers a tool on www.husselen.nl that let users draw a room as it's currently arranged, and then move around pieces on-screen. Any furniture that no longer fits their
rearranged room can be brought to the husselmarkt.

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