chegou o 4º operador móvel...
sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2007
quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2007
Farm in our "cuisines"
Parece cada vez mais comum trazer o prazer das quintas até ao conforto das nossas cozinhas. Enquanto assistimos ao aumento de pré-congelados, comida pronta a comer, e a horas de almoço fora de casa e chamadas "on going", também é verdade que estes momentos fast life são aproveitados: todos aqueles momentos relaxantes em casa muitas vezes são satisfeitos com preparações culinárias mais sofisticadas, naturais e em grupo... Basta às marcas oferecerem a conveniência que os consumidores desejam e proporcionem estes bons momentos!
Privacy or open privacy?
"things are changing in this sphere, and rapidly. We are in a new age of "open privacy", where many of us live our lives openly through the network and yet we want to control how much of us is out there. As a result, our approach to privacy is shifting. Hey, I use Facebook, Flickr, Twitter - all tools of openness - but I also want tools of control (my control)".
quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007
Tokio Design Week
The Japanese are masters at sensible, beautiful design — marrying form and function so effortlessly, so often. So it’s nice to take a peek inside Tokyo Design Week which, according to the official website, “is a unique celebration of the power of good design.”
100% Design Tokyo, was built around the theme “Love.”
See more in Monocle...
segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2007
"Eu sou os outros"
Há dez anos que Rui Chafes não expunha individualmente numa galeria lisboeta. Dez esculturas em ferro, de produção recente, são agora apresentadas na Galeria Graça Brandão. Até 5 de Janeiro.
Nascido em 1966, Rui Chafes é um dos nomes que ganharam visibilidade durante a década de 80. Hoje é um dos escultores mais importantes da sua geração, tendo nos últimos anos dedicado-se a expor fora de Portugal. Recentemente produziu uma escultura "site-specific" para a Fondazione Volume (Roma) e, em Outubro, concebeu uma instalação intitulada "Nocturno", comissariada por Marcio Doctors, na Fundação Eva Klabin (Rio de Janeiro).
Lisboa, Galeria Graça Brandão - R. dos Caetanos 26 (Bairro Alto)
HORARIOS: De 23-11-2007 a 05-01-2008
Terça a sábado das 11h00 às 20h00
IAT - Psychological tool
The Project Implicit site ( has been functioning as a hands-on science museum exhibit, allowing web visitors to experience the manner in which human minds display the effects of stereotypic and prejudicial associations acquired from their socio-cultural environment.
Project Implicit is a Virtual Laboratory for the social and behavioral sciences designed to facilitate the research of implicit social cognition: cognitions, feelings, and evaluations that are not necessarily available to conscious awareness, conscious control, conscious intention, or self-reflection.
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007
Visual Dictionary Online
From the image to the word and its definition, the Visual Dictionary Online is an all-in-one reference. Search the themes to quickly locate words, or find the meaning of a word by viewing the image it represents. What’s more, the Visual Dictionary Online helps you learn English in a visual and accessible way. The Visual Dictionary Online is ideal for teachers, parents, translators and students of all skill levels. Explore the Visual Dictionary Online and enrich your mind. Perfect for home, school or work. Discover a visual world of information!
quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007
YRON, prestes a fundir!
Inspirado no ferro, Yron retrata a fusão das disciplinas criativas, ponto de encontro de designers, arquitectos, fotógrafos, artistas plásticos... um catalizador de influências!!!
quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2007
The World's Dirtiest Film (With David Spade) is Now Finished
This is a short movie created by Unilever’s Axe Shower Gel and David Spade (and also featuring some frat party-generated content found on the web) that makes a farce of the corporation’s simultaneous Dove “Real Beauty” campaign. is metropolitan based “invite only” online mobile and social networkfocused exclusively on anything trendy and funky in the fabulous worlds of nightlife, fashion, music, and film.
The fashion, music and film verticals assume that the users themselves will be designers, musicians, and filmmakers “peddling their wares” so to speak. But with so many sites actually devoted to those pursuits already (MySpace, IQONS, Amie Street…) we’re not sure how Metrofunk will fare in that regard.
The nightlife component seems to have the most potential, as it allows users to aggregate and organize all their VIP invites in a semi-exclusive environment...
Does word-of-mouth really work?
"If we take a look at the likes of Facebook then word-of-mouth marketing clearly works when it comes to driving traffic to a website – but does it sell the product?"
Emma Cook & Fred Perry
terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2007
Eight factores driving shopper satisfaction
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
change the world
Change The World Or Go Home Psfk
From: guest548aa2, 2 days ago
A presentation from the keynote speech Piers Fawkes of PSFK gave at Future Trends 07 conference on why we all have the opportunity to make things better...
SlideShare Link
RCRD LBL Launches
RCRD LBL is a free music brought to you blog style with the help of sponsors. The content is available on and off-site with the kind help of widgets (which are dynamically sponsored).
target: young folk
Any idea with your brand???
quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007
Festival Internacional de Curtas: Boca del Lobo
São curtas e vêm de Espanha...
E não vêm sozinhas, trazem acompanhantes. E a avaliar pelas suas belas sinopses, promete e promete à grande. “Paco um mulherengo, utiliza o seu sobrinho de 5 anos para cortejar as raparigas de que gosta.”. Também resulta com cães, é uma questão de treino.
Uns filmezitos para aguçar o gosto pela terra de nuestros hermanos, fazendo-se acompanhar de uns concertos, live act e dj set à mistura. Te encanta?
Entrada livre para o festival de curtas dia 21; dia 22 das 21h30 às 23h e dias 23 e 24 das 22h às 00h. Si, MusicBox. Oh, si.
Dj Set Ali Schwarz (Tiefschwarz)
A batalha do tempo continua a travar-se nas ruas de Lisboa. As noites arrancam suaves e mornas. Depois chega o vento fresco a correr pelas colinas abaixo (qual puto no Verão a curtir nos escorregas de água) mas entretanto já os lisboetas suam recolhidos num micro mundo de música, ritmo, dança e muito calor. Felizmente os tipos do Lux dão-se com os artistas que lá passam em jeito tu-cá tu-lá. “Oh Ali, quando é que dás um saltinho a Lisboa?” “Opá, eu ando um bocado apertado mas já tenho saudades vossas. Que dizes esta sexta?”. Alessander é o cérebro da dupla. Ora este fim-de-semana os manos Schwarz dividem-se. Basti (Sebastian) encarrega-se dos nuestros hermanos e nós ficamos com o electro-house cerebral do mano mais velho. prontos para amanha apanharem um escaldão?
New consumers... New agencies...
Consumers are now willing to engage in a dialogue with companies that vigorously pursue them. The reason for this shift? Social media. In order to thrive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace, savvy businesses know they must unlock the full potential of social media.
And new agencies do this: they empower brands to engage with consumers —effectively and safely.
iPod Touch Ad - Nick Haley
today consumers create commercial videos for brands...
this is a good example :)
News Cannes Lions 2008
A organização do festival de Cannes acaba de oficializar a entrada da competição de Design na próxima edição do festival, ou seja em 2008. Nela estarão contempladas as categorias de packaging design, brand identity, e environmental design.
O júri que votará esta nova competição - que pretende premiar e distinguir a criatividade e a inovação na construção de marcas e no desenvolvimento da comunicação de produto - vai ser presidida por Rodney Fitch, CEO da Fitch Worldwide, fundador da Fitch, agência que actualmente está presente em 12 países.
Exposição João Dias
El Pulgas Mix hizo su 13.ª edición en el fin de semana pasado, en el Convent de Sant Agustí, en Barcelona.
Un concepto de mercadillo donde jóvenes talentos muestran (y venden) sus creaciones –tanto de moda como artísicas-, mientras podemos escuchar música en directo y actuaciones de djs, a parte de disfrutar de espectáculos de danza y demás.
Un concepto interesante!! ;)
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007
Youth Now React To Commercial Culture By Creating Commercial Culture
New York Times Magazine writers believe that for the first time youth have responded to commercial culture by creating their own commercial culture.
They have hijacked the language and tools of branding and marketing for their own ends. He argues that this isn’t a rejection, it’s a threat. It’s consistent with the idea of the end of mass-consumerism but underneath this notion this movement reflects how widely people have accepted and internalized the grammar of branding and know how to do it.
examples: brands like The Hundreds and Barking Irons
Project better place
Today, the world depends on oil as its fundamental transportation energy source. With the rapid rise in oil prices, a number of alternatives to oil have been proposed in recent years with little success. Project Better Place will focus on the integration of existing technologies and systems to provide the infrastructure and scale necessary to make electric cars a viable alternative to fuel-based vehicles. By doing so, Project Better Place will overcome low adoption rates to-date due to the lack of an established and ubiquitous charging infrastructure to support electric vehicles.
Similar to the model of wireless operators and their deployment of cell towers, Project Better Place will deploy a network of charge stations to provide consumers with the ability to keep their electric vehicles (EV) charged and functional at all times. Project Better Place and its partners will also source the electric cars and batteries that will be compatible with the charging network, and will subsidize vehicle costs through leases and credits.
Architecture and consumers
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